Sunday, May 5th's Cinco de Mayo Program Exposes: Special Needs Kids' being denied their Constitional Rights!
by Bipolar Nation Radio (Notes) on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 1:25pm
ARCHIVED RADIO SHOW: LISTEN:,+2013&file=050513
ARCHIVED RADIO SHOW: LISTEN:,+2013&file=050513
Susan Schofield's Bipolar Nation Radio is OUTING our Politicans on Planet Capitol Hill again. You got it, left and right, the Federal Government is APPROVING of Special Needs' Kids Constitutional Rights being violated, but it's only because it's profitable for them and their families to live the grandiose lifestyles they've grown accustomed to. We've got Executive Director of "The Hitting Stops Here" along with our Activist Blogger, Jillie Ryan, to share the names of who's who, Democrat & Republican who are allowing this to continue... plus the latest on The Judge Rotenberg Center "grandfathering in" autistic students to be electrocuted. It's all for money and it supports Canton, Massachusetts community by employing 800-900 people. That's why it's okie dokie to torture kids with autism... from yours truly, Planet Capitol Hill. The home of the free and the brave because Mainstream Media cannot talk about this type of corruption going on inside the Mental Health Care System in America today... because they're invested too! We're LIVE this Sunday morning on
Join us and tune in: 2PM EST 11 AM PST
Join us and tune in: 2PM EST 11 AM PST